Mega Main Extensions

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Project Mega Main Extensions
Created 10 February 2015 at 12:00 GMT
Author MegaMain
Author URI

1) Instal

Dashboard ► Plugins ► Add New ► Upload

Follow the next steps to install plugin:

  1. Extract file "" from the general archive to your computer;
  2. Log in dashboard of your WordPress;
  3. Next follow to the page "Plugins ► Add New ► Upload";
  4. In the file selection field you should choose "" stored in your computer, and click the button "Install Now";
  5. Don't forget to activate plugin.

If you followed all instructions correctly, the link "Mega Main Extensions" should be added in the primary menu of the dashboard.

2) Configure the Plugin

Dashboard ► Mega Main Extensions

  1. Follow to the page "Dashboard ► Mega Main Extensions";
  2. (Optional) We recommend that configure the color scheme, which by default will apply to all elements of this plugin. Just choose primary color of the current theme;
  3. Click the button "Save All Changes".

3) Ready to use "Mega Main Extensions" in the content of your site

Dashboard ► Pages ► Add New

  1. Go to the creating a new page (or edit old one);
  2. Select the element that you want to add into the content. You can use one of two ways:

Color Scheme

Dashboard ► Mega Main Extensions ► Color Scheme

Font of Titles

Customize the appearance of the font for most titles of various elements.

Font of Regular Text

Customize the appearance of the font for a regular text of various elements.

Background Color of the Elements Wrapper

Select a background color for containers of the interactive elements in order to slightly highlight them among the content. Recommended to use a color that is slightly different from the background color of the body of the content. Example: If the body background color is white - select gray (almost white) color for this option.

Primary Theme Color

Select here the main color of the interactive elements of your theme. Example: If your theme buttons (links) are blue - select a blue color for this option. (Button background color)

Primary Theme Contrast Color

This color should go well with the color of the previous option. (Button text color)

Secondary Theme Color (on Hover)

Select here, in what color should be painted interactive elements when you hover the mouse over them. Example: If you want that the buttons which have "hover" status turned to the dark-blue color - select a dark-blue color for this option. (Button background color on hover)

Secondary Theme Contrast Color (on Hover)

This color should go well with the color of the previous option. (Button text color on hover)

Corner Rounding

Select a value of the corners radius for most elements.

Read More Text

Enter the text of the button that user should to click to see all the content instead of excerpt.

Load More Text

Enter the text of the button that user should to click to load more posts than he sees now.

Set of Installed Google Fonts

Select the fonts to be included on the site. Remember that a lot of fonts affect on the speed of the page load. Always remove unnecessary fonts. Font faces can see on this page - Google fonts.

Custom Icons

You can add custom raster icons. After saving these settings, icons will become available in a modal window of icons selection. Recommended size 128x128 pixels.

Specific Options

Dashboard ► Mega Main Extensions ► Specific Options

Custom CSS

You can place here any necessary custom CSS properties.

Use sets of icons

Here you can activate different sets of icons. Remember that the larger the list of icons - require more of time to loading page.

Remove "wpautop" Filter

If you will use this option all automatic "paragraph" and "break line" symbols are will be removed from the content.

Use Coercive Styles

If this option is checked - all CSS properties for this plugin will be have "!important" priority.

Dashboard ► Pages ► Edit Page



Enter the text of the button.


Select the basic style of the element.


Select size of the button.

Icon Before the Text

Icon that will displayed before the text. You can add more custom raster icons using the "Plugin Configuration Page". Leave blank to hide.

Icon After the Text

Icon that will displayed after the text. You can add more custom raster icons using the "Plugin Configuration Page". Leave blank to hide.

Link to

You can use this element as a link to some page.


Specifies the horizontal alignment of element and it content.

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element. You can add more and edit color schemes using "Additional Styles" option on the configuration page of the plugin.


[mme_button class="1" size="md" icon_before="im-icon-checkmark" link="" alignment="center" styles="predefined" animation="fadeInUp"]Lorem ipsum dolor...[/mme_button]



Select the basic style of the element.


Specifies the horizontal alignment of element and it content.

Form of the Icon Wrapper

You can select the form of wrapper around the icon.


You can add more custom raster icons using the "Plugin Configuration Page". Leave blank to hide.


Enter the title of the feature. Leave blank to hide.


Enter the text of the feature. Leave blank to hide.

Read More Text (Button)

Enter the text of the button.

Link Area

You can select the area of the feature that you want use as a link.

Link to

You can use this element as a link to some page.

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element. You can add more and edit color schemes using "Additional Styles" option on the configuration page of the plugin.


[mme_feature class="1" alignment="left" icon="im-icon-checkmark" title="Lorem ipsum" readmore="Read More" link_area="readmore" link="" styles="predefined" icon_wrapper_form="cicle" animation="fadeInUp"]Lorem ipsum dolor...[/mme_feature]

Flip Box

Effect of the Flip

Select animation effect of the flip.

Trigger Event

Select when the front side will be replaced by the back side.


This shortcode must contain at least one other shortcode inside.


In order to create a box with content that changes when you hover the mouse - you have to go through the following steps:

  1. Go to page editing "Dashboard -> Pages -> Edit Page".
  2. Switch to the "FrontEnd Editor" mode.
  3. Click to the "Add Element" button.
  4. Select the "Flip Box".
  5. You can change "Animation Effects" in the new modal window that called "Flip Box Settings" and click "Save changes" and then "Close" (modal window).
  6. Hover over the "Flip Box" section and click "Add Element" (plus icon).
  7. Select the "Row". It is your "Side A (Front)".
  8. Repeat previous two steps to add second "Row". It is your "Side B (Back)".
  9. Now you able to add any content (other shortcodes) in the "Front" and "Back" sides.
  10. Do not forget to save changes of the page! Done!


[mme_flip_box flip_effect="whole_block_top" trigger="hover" animation="fadeInUp"]	[vc_row]		Any content of A side	[/vc_row]	[vc_row]		Any content of B side	[/vc_row][/mme_flip_box]



Select the basic style of the element.

Size of the Icon

Select the icon size.


Select the icon that you want to use. You can add more custom raster icons using the "Plugin Configuration Page".

Link to

You can use this element as a link to some page.


Specifies the horizontal alignment of element and it content.

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element. You can add more and edit color schemes using "Additional Styles" option on the configuration page of the plugin.


[mme_icon class="1" size="20" icon="im-icon-checkmark" link="" alignment="center" styles="predefined" animation="fadeInUp"][/mme_icon]



Select the basic style of the element.


Select the size. In the percents, related to the parent container width.

Cover Elements


Enter the title of the image.


Select the icon that you want to use. You can add more custom raster icons using the "Plugin Configuration Page".

Link to

You can use this element as a link to some page.


Specifies the horizontal alignment of element and it content.

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element.


[mme_image src="" class="1" size="100" cover="title icon" title="Lorem Ipsum" icon="im-icon-checkmark" link="" alignment="center" styles="predefined" animation="fadeInUp"][/mme_image]

Content Slider

Title of the slider (optional)

Specify the title (caption).

Navigation Direction (Arrows)

Select style and position of "Direction Navigation".

Navigation Pagination (Items)

Select style and position of "Pagination Navigation".

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element.

Animation Effect

Select animation effect of changing of tabs.

Animation Direction

Select direction of animation.


Select "Enable" to change tabs automatically.

Slideshow Speed

Specify the delay between changing of tabs.


This shortcode must contain at least one "Slide" (mme_slide) shortcode inside.


[mme_slider_content title="Slider Title" nav_direction="left_right_small" nav_pagination="bottom" class="1" animation_effect="fade" animation_direction="horizontal" slideshow="true" slideshow_speed="7000" animation="fadeInUp"]	[mme_slide title="First Slide"]		Lorem ipsum	[/mme_slide]	[mme_slide title="Second Slide"]		Usu id amet	[/mme_slide]	[mme_slide title="Third Slide"]		No erant animal	[/mme_slide][/mme_slider_content]

Tabs Section


Select a direction of the tabs.


Select the basic style of the element.

Animation Effect

Select animation effect of changing of tabs.


Specifies the horizontal alignment of element and it content.

Animation Direction

Select direction of animation.


Select "Enable" to change tabs automatically.

Slideshow Speed

Specify the delay between changing of tabs.


This shortcode must contain at least one "Slide" (mme_slide) shortcode inside.


[mme_tabs class="1" animation_effect="fade" animation_direction="horizontal" slideshow="false" slideshow_speed="7000" animation="fadeInUp"]	[mme_slide title="First Tab"]		Lorem ipsum	[/mme_slide]	[mme_slide title="Second Tab"]		Usu id amet	[/mme_slide]	[mme_slide title="Third Tab"]		No erant animal	[/mme_slide][/mme_tabs]

Toggle (Accordion)


Specify the title (caption).


Select the basic style of the element.

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element.


Specifies the horizontal alignment of element and it content.

Opened by default

Select how to display this element by default.

In the Group

Close all other toggles that are "in the group" if this one is opened.

Icon (optional)

You can add more custom raster icons using the "Plugin Configuration Page". Leave blank to hide.

Icon, if element is Active (optional)

You can add more custom raster icons using the "Plugin Configuration Page". Leave blank to hide.


This shortcode must contain at least one other shortcode inside.


[mme_toggle title="Click Me" class="1" color_scheme="1" opened="false" in_the_group="false" icon="im-icon-plus" icon_active="im-icon-minus" animation="fadeInUp"]	[vc_column_text]Lorem ipsum dolor...[/vc_column_text][/mme_toggle]

Slide (Tab)


This is a "child" shortcode. It has no own appearance. It can be used only inside one of the following shortcodes: mme_slider_content, mme_tabs

Icon (optional)

You can add more custom raster icons using the "Plugin Configuration Page". Leave blank to hide.

Title (optional)

Specify the title (caption).


Place content of the element here.


[mme_slide icon="im-icon-home" title="Name of Slide"]	Lorem ipsum dolor...[/mme_slide]

Animated Block

Viewport Animation (on Scroll)

Select the animation style of the appearance for this element.

Infinite Animation

The animation will be repeated again and again.


This shortcode must contain at least one other shortcode inside.


In order to create such element - you have to go through the following steps:

  1. Go to page editing "Dashboard -> Pages -> Edit Page".
  2. Switch to the "FrontEnd Editor" mode.
  3. Click to the "Add Element" button.
  4. Select the "Animated Block".
  5. You can change "Animation Effects" in the new modal window and click "Save changes" and then "Close" (modal window).
  6. Hover over the "Animated Box" section and click "Add Element" (plus icon).
  7. Now you able to add any content (other shortcodes) inside of this element.
  8. Do not forget to save changes of the page! Done!


[mme_animated_block animation="fadeInUp"] Lorem ipsum dolor... [/mme_animated_block]

Mega Section Parallax

Container Type

Select primary container type.

Background Style

Select type of the background.

Background Colour (First)

Select background colour. Also this color will be set under background image.

Start of Gradation (Gradient Option)

Select, when the first color starts to changing (from 0 to 100).

Background Colour (Second) (Gradient Option)

Select secondary background colour.

End of Gradation (Gradient Option)

Select, when the first color will be completely replaced by the second color (from 0 to 100).

Gradient Direction (Gradient Option)

Choose direction of gradient.

Background-image (Image Option)

Select file that will be used as background image.

Background-attachment (Image Option)

Option sets whether a background image is fixed or scrolls with the rest content of the page.

Vertical Speed (Image Option)

Select parallax Y-axis speed (vertical). (from -5 to +5)

Horisontal Speed (Image Option)

Select parallax X-axis speed (horisontal). For vertical backgound scroll you may leave this option. (from -5 to +5)

Background-size (Image Option)

Specify the size of the background image.

Background-repeat (Image Option)

Set how a background image will be repeated.

Background-position (Image Option)

Select the starting position of a background image.


"Drag and Drop" opportunities for this shortcode is available only in the "FrondEnd Editor" in one of latest versions of "Visual Composer". This shortcode must contain at least one other shortcode inside.


In order to create such element - you have to go through the following steps:

  1. Go to page editing "Dashboard -> Pages -> Edit Page".
  2. Switch to the "FrontEnd Editor" mode.
  3. Click to the "Add Element" button.
  4. Select the "Mega Section".
  5. Change settings in the new modal window and click "Save changes" and then "Close" (modal window).
  6. Hover over the "Mega Section" and click "Add Element" (plus icon).
  7. Now you able to add any content (other shortcodes) inside of this element.
  8. Do not forget to save changes of the page! Done!


[mme_mega_section display_type="fullwidth" bg_style="image" bg_color_first="#16a085" bg_gradient_start="0" bg_color_second="#8516a0"bg_gradient_end="100" bg_gradient_direction="vertical" bg_image_src="" bg_image_attachment="parallax" bg_image_parallax_v_speed="-1" bg_image_parallax_h_speed="0" bg_image_size="auto" bg_image_repeat="repeat" bg_image_position="center" animation="fadeInUp"] Lorem ipsum dolor... [/mme_mega_section]

Video Section

Container Type

Select primary container type.

Link to the Video

Specify link to the video from the "".


Select the quality of video. Remember that highest quality require more time to load.

Start from

Specifies the time from which the video should start playing.

End at

Specifies the time when the video should stop playing. Set "0" (zero) to unlimit.


Select, play a sound or not.


Select whether the video should continuously play or stop playing when video has ended.

Show Controls

Select which control buttons to display.

Background Image

This image will appears instead video for mobile devices. Also it will appear while the video will not load. Warning: To prevent unsolicited downloads over cellular networks at the user’s expense, embedded media cannot be played automatically in mobile browsers.


"Drag and Drop" opportunities for this shortcode is available only in the "FrondEnd Editor" in one of latest versions of "Visual Composer". This shortcode must contain at least one other shortcode inside.


In order to create such element - you have to go through the following steps:

  1. Go to page editing "Dashboard -> Pages -> Edit Page".
  2. Switch to the "FrontEnd Editor" mode.
  3. Click to the "Add Element" button.
  4. Select the "Video Section".
  5. Change settings in the new modal window and click "Save changes" and then "Close" (modal window).
  6. Hover over the "Vide Section" and click "Add Element" (plus icon).
  7. Now you able to add any content (other shortcodes) inside of this element.
  8. Do not forget to save changes of the page! Done!


[mme_video_section display_type="fullwidth" src="" quality="large" start="0" end="0" mute="true" loop="true" controls="mute play_pause" animation="fadeInUp"] Lorem ipsum dolor... [/mme_video_section]

Grid of Posts - Bootstrap Layout


Select the basic style of the post item.

Number of Columns

Select how many posts will be displayed in each row.

Type of Post and Category

Select which the category of posts you want to display.

Limit of Posts Per Page

Select the total number posts you want to display. Other posts will be available by pagination.

Pagination Type

Select a way that will allow the user to see more posts from such category.

Cover Elements of the Image

Select which elements will be displayed, when you hover mouse over the image.

Display Post Meta Information

Which information about the post will be available in the layout.


[mme_grid_bootstrap layout_single="single_style_1" post_type="post" columns="3" posts_per_page="9" pagination_type="pagination" cover="title icon" post_meta="date,categories" animation="fadeInUp"][/mme_grid_bootstrap]

Type of Post and Category

Select which the category of posts you want to display.

Limit of Posts Per Page

Select the total number posts you want to display. Other posts will be available by pagination.

Pagination Type

Select a way that will allow the user to see more posts from such category.

Cover Elements of the Image

Select which elements will be displayed, when you hover mouse over the image.


[mme_grid_gallery post_type="post" posts_per_page="9" pagination_type="load_more" cover="title icon" animation="fadeInUp"][/mme_grid_gallery]

Grid of Posts - Tight Layout

Number of Columns

Select how many posts will be displayed in each row.

Type of Post and Category

Select which the category of posts you want to display.

Limit of Posts Per Page

Select the total number posts you want to display. Other posts will be available by pagination.

Pagination Type

Select a way that will allow the user to see more posts from such category.

Cover Elements of the Image

Select which elements will be displayed, when you hover mouse over the image.


[mme_grid_tight post_type="post" columns="3" posts_per_page="9" pagination_type="pagination" cover="title icon" animation="fadeInUp"][/mme_grid_tight]

Grid of Posts - Timeline Layout


Select the basic style of the post item.

Number of Columns

Select how many posts will be displayed in each row.

Type of Post and Category

Select which the category of posts you want to display.

Limit of Posts Per Page

Select the total number posts you want to display. Other posts will be available by pagination.

Pagination Type

Select a way that will allow the user to see more posts from such category.

Cover Elements of the Image

Select which elements will be displayed, when you hover mouse over the image.

Display Post Meta Information

Which information about the post will be available in the layout.


[mme_grid_timeline layout_single="single_style_3" post_type="post" columns="2" posts_per_page="8" pagination_type="load_more" cover="title icon" post_meta="date,categories" animation="fadeInUp"][/mme_grid_timeline]

Area Chart


In order to create and edit Chart you have to go through the following steps:

  1. Go to page editing "Dashboard -> Pages -> Edit Page".
  2. Switch to the "BackEnd Editor" mode.
  3. Click to the "Add Element" button.
  4. Select the needed Chart type.
  5. Now you can edit options for this chat in general and also options for each its index separately. See screenshot. Click button #1 in order to open Chart Options. Click button #2 in order to open Index Options.
  6. Do not forget to save changes of the page! Done!

Chart Title

Text to display above the chart.

X-axis Labels

Specify labels that will be shown under X-axis (horizontal) line. Allowed any values, text and numeric. Separate values using "verbar" (vertical line) | .

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element. You can add more and edit color schemes using "Additional Styles" option on the configuration page of the plugin.

Show Additional Options

Show more options to adjust the chart more accurately.


Select the format of the chart. SVG - interactive format, you can click and highlight inner elements. PNG - have no interactivity, may be open as usual image.


Display the legend of indexes in the corner of the chart.


Crosshairs are thin vertical and horizontal lines centered on a data point in a chart. When you, as a chart creator, enable crosshairs in your charts, your users will then be able to target a single element.


Show or hide gridlines inside the chart area.

Maximize Size

Maximizes the area of the chart, and draws the legend and all labels inside the chart area.


Height of the chart, in pixels. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

X-axis Title

Specify a title for the horizontal axis.

Y-axis Title

Specify a title for the vertical axis.

Y-axis Number of Steps

The number of vertical gridlines inside the chart area. Minimum value is 2. Specify -1 to automatically compute the number of gridlines. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

Y-axis min value

Moves the min value of the vertical axis to the specified value. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

Y-axis max value

Moves the max value of the vertical axis to the specified value. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.


This shortcode must contain at least one "Index of the Chart" (mme_chart_index) shortcode inside.


[mme_chart_area_chart  title="Worldwide" haxis_labels="2017|2018|2019|2020" styles="default"  format="SVG+PNG" legend="true" crosshairs="false" gridlines="false" theme="none" height="" vaxis_steps="0" vaxis_min="0" vaxis_max="0" animation="fadeInUp"]	[mme_chart_index title="First Index"]10|11.5|15|14[/mme_chart_index]	[mme_chart_index title="Second Index"]14|10|11.5|15[/mme_chart_index][/mme_chart_area_chart]

Bar Chart


In order to create and edit Chart you have to go through the following steps:

  1. Go to page editing "Dashboard -> Pages -> Edit Page".
  2. Switch to the "BackEnd Editor" mode.
  3. Click to the "Add Element" button.
  4. Select the needed Chart type.
  5. Now you can edit options for this chat in general and also options for each its index separately. See screenshot. Click button #1 in order to open Chart Options. Click button #2 in order to open Index Options.
  6. Do not forget to save changes of the page! Done!

Chart Title

Text to display above the chart.

X-axis Labels

Specify labels that will be shown under X-axis (horizontal) line. Allowed any values, text and numeric. Separate values using "verbar" (vertical line) | .

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element. You can add more and edit color schemes using "Additional Styles" option on the configuration page of the plugin.

Show Additional Options

Show more options to adjust the chart more accurately.


Select the format of the chart. SVG - interactive format, you can click and highlight inner elements. PNG - have no interactivity, may be open as usual image.


Display the legend of indexes in the corner of the chart.

Thickness of Bars

The width of a group of bars. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

Stack the Bars

Show each index as separated bar, or display them in one line as stack.


Show or hide gridlines inside the chart area.

Maximize Size

Maximizes the area of the chart, and draws the legend and all labels inside the chart area.


Height of the chart, in pixels. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

X-axis Title

Specify a title for the horizontal axis.

Y-axis Title

Specify a title for the vertical axis.

Y-axis Number of Steps

The number of vertical gridlines inside the chart area. Minimum value is 2. Specify -1 to automatically compute the number of gridlines. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

Y-axis min value

Moves the min value of the vertical axis to the specified value. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

Y-axis max value

Moves the max value of the vertical axis to the specified value. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.


This shortcode must contain at least one "Index of the Chart" (mme_chart_index) shortcode inside.


[mme_chart_bar_chart  title="Worldwide" haxis_labels="2017|2018|2019|2020" styles="default"  format="SVG+PNG" legend="true" group_width="0" stacked="false" gridlines="false" theme="none" height="" vaxis_steps="0" vaxis_min="0" vaxis_max="0" animation="fadeInUp"]	[mme_chart_index title="First Index"]10|11.5|15|14[/mme_chart_index]	[mme_chart_index title="Second Index"]14|10|11.5|15[/mme_chart_index][/mme_chart_bar_chart]

Candlestick Chart


In order to create and edit Chart you have to go through the following steps:

  1. Go to page editing "Dashboard -> Pages -> Edit Page".
  2. Switch to the "BackEnd Editor" mode.
  3. Click to the "Add Element" button.
  4. Select the needed Chart type.
  5. Now you can edit options for this chat in general and also options for each its index separately. See screenshot. Click button #1 in order to open Chart Options. Click button #2 in order to open Index Options.
  6. Do not forget to save changes of the page! Done!

Chart Title

Text to display above the chart.

X-axis Labels

Specify labels that will be shown under X-axis (horizontal) line. Allowed any values, text and numeric. Separate values using "verbar" (vertical line) | .

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element. You can add more and edit color schemes using "Additional Styles" option on the configuration page of the plugin.

Show Additional Options

Show more options to adjust the chart more accurately.


Select the format of the chart. SVG - interactive format, you can click and highlight inner elements. PNG - have no interactivity, may be open as usual image.


Display the legend of indexes in the corner of the chart.

Thickness of Bars

The width of a group of bars. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.


Show or hide gridlines inside the chart area.

Maximize Size

Maximizes the area of the chart, and draws the legend and all labels inside the chart area.


Height of the chart, in pixels. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

X-axis Title

Specify a title for the horizontal axis.

Y-axis Title

Specify a title for the vertical axis.

Y-axis Number of Steps

The number of vertical gridlines inside the chart area. Minimum value is 2. Specify -1 to automatically compute the number of gridlines. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

Y-axis min value

Moves the min value of the vertical axis to the specified value. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

Y-axis max value

Moves the max value of the vertical axis to the specified value. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.


This shortcode must contain at least one "Index of the Chart" (mme_chart_index) shortcode inside.


[mme_chart_candlestick_chart  title="Worldwide" haxis_labels="2017|2018|2019|2020" styles="default"  format="SVG+PNG" legend="true" group_width="0" gridlines="false" theme="none" height="" vaxis_steps="0" vaxis_min="0" vaxis_max="0" animation="fadeInUp"]	[mme_chart_index title="First Index"]10|20|15|30[/mme_chart_index]	[mme_chart_index title="Second Index"]20|30|20|40[/mme_chart_index]	[mme_chart_index title="Third Index"]30|35|30|50[/mme_chart_index]	[mme_chart_index title="Fourth Index"]40|40|35|60[/mme_chart_index][/mme_chart_candlestick_chart]

Column Chart


In order to create and edit Chart you have to go through the following steps:

  1. Go to page editing "Dashboard -> Pages -> Edit Page".
  2. Switch to the "BackEnd Editor" mode.
  3. Click to the "Add Element" button.
  4. Select the needed Chart type.
  5. Now you can edit options for this chat in general and also options for each its index separately. See screenshot. Click button #1 in order to open Chart Options. Click button #2 in order to open Index Options.
  6. Do not forget to save changes of the page! Done!

Chart Title

Text to display above the chart.

X-axis Labels

Specify labels that will be shown under X-axis (horizontal) line. Allowed any values, text and numeric. Separate values using "verbar" (vertical line) | .

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element. You can add more and edit color schemes using "Additional Styles" option on the configuration page of the plugin.

Show Additional Options

Show more options to adjust the chart more accurately.


Select the format of the chart. SVG - interactive format, you can click and highlight inner elements. PNG - have no interactivity, may be open as usual image.


Display the legend of indexes in the corner of the chart.

Thickness of Bars

The width of a group of bars. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

Stack the Bars

Show each index as separated bar, or display them in one line as stack.


Show or hide gridlines inside the chart area.

Maximize Size

Maximizes the area of the chart, and draws the legend and all labels inside the chart area.


Height of the chart, in pixels. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

X-axis Title

Specify a title for the horizontal axis.

Y-axis Title

Specify a title for the vertical axis.

Y-axis Number of Steps

The number of vertical gridlines inside the chart area. Minimum value is 2. Specify -1 to automatically compute the number of gridlines. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

Y-axis min value

Moves the min value of the vertical axis to the specified value. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

Y-axis max value

Moves the max value of the vertical axis to the specified value. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.


This shortcode must contain at least one "Index of the Chart" (mme_chart_index) shortcode inside.


[mme_chart_column_chart  title="Worldwide" haxis_labels="2017|2018|2019|2020" styles="default"  format="SVG+PNG" legend="true" group_width="0" stacked="false" gridlines="false" theme="none" height="" vaxis_steps="0" vaxis_min="0" vaxis_max="0" animation="fadeInUp"]	[mme_chart_index title="First Index"]10|11.5|15|14[/mme_chart_index]	[mme_chart_index title="Second Index"]14|10|11.5|15[/mme_chart_index][/mme_chart_column_chart]



In order to create and edit Chart you have to go through the following steps:

  1. Go to page editing "Dashboard -> Pages -> Edit Page".
  2. Switch to the "BackEnd Editor" mode.
  3. Click to the "Add Element" button.
  4. Select the needed Chart type.
  5. Now you can edit options for this chat in general and also options for each its index separately. See screenshot. Click button #1 in order to open Chart Options. Click button #2 in order to open Index Options.
  6. Do not forget to save changes of the page! Done!

Chart Title

Text to display above the chart.

X-axis Labels

Specify labels that will be shown under X-axis (horizontal) line. Allowed any values, text and numeric. Separate values using "verbar" (vertical line) | .

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element. You can add more and edit color schemes using "Additional Styles" option on the configuration page of the plugin.

Show Additional Options

Show more options to adjust the chart more accurately.


Select the format of the chart. SVG - interactive format, you can click and highlight inner elements. PNG - have no interactivity, may be open as usual image.


Display the legend of indexes in the corner of the chart.

Thickness of Bars

The width of a group of bars. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

Stack the Bars

Show each index as separated bar, or display them in one line as stack.


Show or hide gridlines inside the chart area.

Maximize Size

Maximizes the area of the chart, and draws the legend and all labels inside the chart area.


Height of the chart, in pixels. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

X-axis Title

Specify a title for the horizontal axis.

Y-axis Title

Specify a title for the vertical axis.

Y-axis Number of Steps

The number of vertical gridlines inside the chart area. Minimum value is 2. Specify -1 to automatically compute the number of gridlines. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

Y-axis min value

Moves the min value of the vertical axis to the specified value. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

Y-axis max value

Moves the max value of the vertical axis to the specified value. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.


This shortcode must contain at least one "Index of the Chart" (mme_chart_index) shortcode inside.


[mme_chart_histogram  title="Worldwide" haxis_labels="2017|2018|2019|2020" styles="default"  format="SVG+PNG" legend="true" group_width="0" stacked="false" gridlines="false" theme="none" height="" vaxis_steps="0" vaxis_min="0" vaxis_max="0" animation="fadeInUp"]	[mme_chart_index title="Quarks"]1|1|2|3|5|8|13[/mme_chart_index]	[mme_chart_index title="Leptons"]1|2|3|5|8|13|21[/mme_chart_index]	[mme_chart_index title="Gauge Bosons"]2|3|5|8|13|21|34[/mme_chart_index]	[mme_chart_index title="Scalar Bosons"]3[/mme_chart_index][/mme_chart_histogram]

Line Chart


In order to create and edit Chart you have to go through the following steps:

  1. Go to page editing "Dashboard -> Pages -> Edit Page".
  2. Switch to the "BackEnd Editor" mode.
  3. Click to the "Add Element" button.
  4. Select the needed Chart type.
  5. Now you can edit options for this chat in general and also options for each its index separately. See screenshot. Click button #1 in order to open Chart Options. Click button #2 in order to open Index Options.
  6. Do not forget to save changes of the page! Done!

Chart Title

Text to display above the chart.

X-axis Labels

Specify labels that will be shown under X-axis (horizontal) line. Allowed any values, text and numeric. Separate values using "verbar" (vertical line) | .

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element. You can add more and edit color schemes using "Additional Styles" option on the configuration page of the plugin.

Show Additional Options

Show more options to adjust the chart more accurately.


Select the format of the chart. SVG - interactive format, you can click and highlight inner elements. PNG - have no interactivity, may be open as usual image.


Display the legend of indexes in the corner of the chart.


Crosshairs are thin vertical and horizontal lines centered on a data point in a chart. When you, as a chart creator, enable crosshairs in your charts, your users will then be able to target a single element.

Curves Type

You can smooth the lines.


Show or hide gridlines inside the chart area.

Maximize Size

Maximizes the area of the chart, and draws the legend and all labels inside the chart area.


Height of the chart, in pixels. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

X-axis Title

Specify a title for the horizontal axis.

Y-axis Title

Specify a title for the vertical axis.

Y-axis Number of Steps

The number of vertical gridlines inside the chart area. Minimum value is 2. Specify -1 to automatically compute the number of gridlines. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

Y-axis min value

Moves the min value of the vertical axis to the specified value. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

Y-axis max value

Moves the max value of the vertical axis to the specified value. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.


This shortcode must contain at least one "Index of the Chart" (mme_chart_index) shortcode inside.


[mme_chart_line_chart  title="Worldwide" haxis_labels="2017|2018|2019|2020" styles="default"  format="SVG+PNG" legend="true" crosshairs="false" curves_type="function" gridlines="false" theme="none" height="" vaxis_steps="0" vaxis_min="0" vaxis_max="0" animation="fadeInUp"]	[mme_chart_index title="First Index"]10|11.5|15|14[/mme_chart_index]	[mme_chart_index title="Second Index"]14|10|11.5|15[/mme_chart_index][/mme_chart_line_chart]

Pie Chart


In order to create and edit Chart you have to go through the following steps:

  1. Go to page editing "Dashboard -> Pages -> Edit Page".
  2. Switch to the "BackEnd Editor" mode.
  3. Click to the "Add Element" button.
  4. Select the needed Chart type.
  5. Now you can edit options for this chat in general and also options for each its index separately. See screenshot. Click button #1 in order to open Chart Options. Click button #2 in order to open Index Options.
  6. Do not forget to save changes of the page! Done!

Chart Title

Text to display above the chart.


Specify labels that will be shown under X-axis (horizontal) line. Allowed any values, text and numeric. Separate values using "verbar" (vertical line) | .

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element. You can add more and edit color schemes using "Additional Styles" option on the configuration page of the plugin.

Show Additional Options

Show more options to adjust the chart more accurately.


Select the format of the chart. SVG - interactive format, you can click and highlight inner elements. PNG - have no interactivity, may be open as usual image.


Display the legend of indexes in the corner of the chart.


Choose dimension to display chart.

  • 2D
  • 3D

Text in Slices

The content of the text displayed on the slice.

  • percentage
  • value
  • label
  • none

Size of Hole

Size of hole in the center of chart. In the percents. "0" (zero) means no hole.

Highlight Slice

You can slightly move one of slices to highlight it. "0" (zero) means no one slice is highlighted.

Maximize Size

Maximizes the area of the chart, and draws the legend and all labels inside the chart area.


Height of the chart, in pixels. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

X-axis Title

Specify a title for the horizontal axis.

Y-axis Title

Specify a title for the vertical axis.

Y-axis Number of Steps

The number of vertical gridlines inside the chart area. Minimum value is 2. Specify -1 to automatically compute the number of gridlines. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

Y-axis min value

Moves the min value of the vertical axis to the specified value. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

Y-axis max value

Moves the max value of the vertical axis to the specified value. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.


This shortcode must contain only one "Index of the Chart" (mme_chart_index) shortcode inside.


[mme_chart_pie_chart  title="Worldwide" styles="default"  format="SVG+PNG" legend="true" dimension="2D" slice_text="percentage" hole_size="0" highlight_slice="0" theme="none" height="" animation="fadeInUp"]	[mme_chart_index title="Work"]8[/mme_chart_index]	[mme_chart_index title="Eat"]3[/mme_chart_index]	[mme_chart_index title="Fun"]3[/mme_chart_index]	[mme_chart_index title="Movie"]2[/mme_chart_index]	[mme_chart_index title="Sleep"]8[/mme_chart_index][/mme_chart_pie_chart]

Stepped Area Chart


In order to create and edit Chart you have to go through the following steps:

  1. Go to page editing "Dashboard -> Pages -> Edit Page".
  2. Switch to the "BackEnd Editor" mode.
  3. Click to the "Add Element" button.
  4. Select the needed Chart type.
  5. Now you can edit options for this chat in general and also options for each its index separately. See screenshot. Click button #1 in order to open Chart Options. Click button #2 in order to open Index Options.
  6. Do not forget to save changes of the page! Done!

Chart Title

Text to display above the chart.

X-axis Labels

Specify labels that will be shown under X-axis (horizontal) line. Allowed any values, text and numeric. Separate values using "verbar" (vertical line) | .

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element. You can add more and edit color schemes using "Additional Styles" option on the configuration page of the plugin.

Show Additional Options

Show more options to adjust the chart more accurately.


Select the format of the chart. SVG - interactive format, you can click and highlight inner elements. PNG - have no interactivity, may be open as usual image.


Display the legend of indexes in the corner of the chart.

Connect Steps

If set to "Enable", will connect the steps to form a stepped line. Otherwise, only a top line appears.

Stack the Bars

Show each index as separated bar, or display them in one line as stack.


Show or hide gridlines inside the chart area.

Maximize Size

Maximizes the area of the chart, and draws the legend and all labels inside the chart area.


Height of the chart, in pixels. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

X-axis Title

Specify a title for the horizontal axis.

Y-axis Title

Specify a title for the vertical axis.

Y-axis Number of Steps

The number of vertical gridlines inside the chart area. Minimum value is 2. Specify -1 to automatically compute the number of gridlines. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

Y-axis min value

Moves the min value of the vertical axis to the specified value. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.

Y-axis max value

Moves the max value of the vertical axis to the specified value. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.


This shortcode must contain at least one "Index of the Chart" (mme_chart_index) shortcode inside.


[mme_chart_stepped_area_chart  title="Worldwide" haxis_labels="2017|2018|2019|2020" styles="default"  format="SVG+PNG" legend="true" group_width="0" stacked="false" gridlines="false" theme="none" height="" vaxis_steps="0" vaxis_min="0" vaxis_max="0" animation="fadeInUp"]	[mme_chart_index title="First Index"]10|11.5|15|14[/mme_chart_index]	[mme_chart_index title="Second Index"]14|10|11.5|15[/mme_chart_index][/mme_chart_stepped_area_chart]

Interactive Map


In order to create and edit Chart you have to go through the following steps:

  1. Go to page editing "Dashboard -> Pages -> Edit Page".
  2. Switch to the "BackEnd Editor" mode.
  3. Click to the "Add Element" button.
  4. Select the needed Chart type.
  5. Now you can edit options for this chat in general and also options for each its index separately. See screenshot. Click button #1 in order to open Chart Options. Click button #2 in order to open Index Options.
  6. Do not forget to save changes of the page! Done!

Chart Title

Text to display above the chart.

Region to Display

You can specify the region using your native language. Or use code by international standards - ISO 3166-2. Examples: New Yourk, NY.

Display Mode

Which type of geochart this is.

  • auto
  • regions
  • markers
  • text

Show Additional Options

Show more options to adjust the chart more accurately.


Select the format of the chart. SVG - interactive format, you can click and highlight inner elements. PNG - have no interactivity, may be open as ordinary image.

Dataless Region Color

Color to assign to regions with no associated data.

Interactive Region Color

This color will assigned to interactive regions by default.


Height of the chart, in pixels. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.


This shortcode must contain at least one "Index of the Geo Chart" (mme_chart_geo_index) shortcode inside.


[mme_chart_geo_chart title="World" region="world" display_mode="auto" format="SVG+PNG" dataless_region_color="" interactive_region_color="" height="" animation="fadeInUp"]	[mme_chart_geo_index region="US" color="#3498DB" title="USA" link="/"]		This text will be shown when you hover on the region	[/mme_chart_geo_index]	[mme_chart_geo_index region="CN" color="#E74C3C" title="中国" link="/"]		当你在徘徊区域本文将显示	[/mme_chart_geo_index]	[mme_chart_geo_index region="ES" color="#D35400" title="España" link="/"]		Este texto se muestra cuando se pasa sobre la región	[/mme_chart_geo_index][/mme_chart_geo_chart]

Address Map

Show Additional Options

Show more options to adjust the chart more accurately.

Map Type

The type of map to show.

  • normal
  • hybrid
  • terrain
  • satellite

Map Type Controls

Show a map type selector that enables the viewer to switch between [normal, satellite, hybrid, terrain].

Zoom Level

An integer indicating the initial zoom level of the map, where 0 is completely zoomed out (whole world) and 19 is the maximum zoom level. Leave blank to auto zoom.


Height of the chart, in pixels. Specify "0" (zero) or empty to auto choice.


This shortcode must contain at least one "Marker on the Map" (mme_map_location) shortcode inside.


[mme_map map_type="normal" map_type_controls="false" zoom="0" height="" animation="fadeInUp"]	[mme_map_location address="350 5th Ave, New York, United States"]		Empire State Building	[/mme_map_location]	[mme_map_location address="Herald Square, New York, United States"]		Herald Square	[/mme_map_location][/mme_map]

Index of the Chart


This is a "child" shortcode. It has no own appearance. It can be used only inside one of "Charts" (mme_chart_area_chart) shortcodes.

Index Name

Text to display as name of this index.


Specify values that will be shown an chart. Allowed only numeric values (integers, floating point numbers). Separate values using "verbar" (vertical line) | .


[mme_chart_index title="First Index"]10|11.5|15|14[/mme_chart_index]

Index of the Geo Chart


This is a "child" shortcode. It has no own appearance. It can be used only inside "Interactive Map" (mme_chart_geo_chart) shortcode.

Region Name (Code)

You can specify the region using your native language. Or use code by international standards - ISO 3166-2. Examples: New Yourk, NY.

Title (tooltip)

Title that will appear in the tooltip.

Content (tooltip)

Text that will appear in the tooltip.


Select custom color for this region. Leave blank to use the default color.


The user goes to this link if he clicks on this region.


[mme_chart_geo_index region="US" color="#3498DB" title="USA" link="/"]This text will be shown when you hover on the region[/mme_chart_geo_index]

Location (marker) on the Map


This is a "child" shortcode. It has no own appearance. It can be used only inside "Address Map" (mme_map) shortcode.

Address (Region)

You can specify the region using your native language.

Content (tooltip)

Text that will appear in the tooltip.

Custom Marker

You can select any raster image to use it as marker for this address.


[mme_map_locationaddress="350 5th Ave, New York, United States" marker=""]Empire State Building[/mme_map_location]



Select the basic style of the element.

Text of the Quote

Enter the text of the quote.

Name of the Author (Source)

Enter the Name of the author (Source).

Link to the Author (Source)

Enter the link to the author (Source).


Specifies the horizontal alignment of element and it content.

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element. You can add more and edit color schemes using "Additional Styles" option on the configuration page of the plugin.


[mme_blockquote class="1" author_name="by Cicero, 45 BC" link="" alignment="left" styles="predefined" animation="fadeInUp"]Lorem ipsum dolor...[/mme_blockquote]

Circle Tabs

Tabs Size

Size of icons that serve as buttons.


Select the basic style of the element.

Position of first tab (optional)

You can choose the angle of the circle where you want to show first tab. All other tabs will be distributed according to their number. Example: 90 - the first tab on right side; 180 - the first tab at bottom. min = 0, max = 360.

Animation Effect

Select animation effect of changing of tabs.

Animation Direction

Select direction of animation.


Select "Enable" to change tabs automatically.

Slideshow Speed

Specify the delay between changing of tabs.

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element. You can add more and edit color schemes using "Additional Styles" option on the configuration page of the plugin.


This shortcode must contain at least one "Slide" (mme_slide) shortcode inside.


[mme_circle_tabs tabs_size="40" class="1" rotate="0" animation_effect="slide" animation_direction="horizontal" slideshow="true" slideshow_speed="7000" color_scheme="default" animation="fadeInUp"]	[mme_slide title="First Tab"]		Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...	[/mme_slide]	[mme_slide title="Second Tab"]		Usu id amet congue sadipscing...	[/mme_slide][/mme_circle_tabs]


Type of data storage

"Base64" encoding help you to maintain the structure of your code (spaces, tabs and etc.).


Just insert your code here.

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element.

Convert characters to HTML entities

Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities.


[mme_codeblock type_of_data="default" htmlentities="htmlentities" animation="fadeInUp"]Lorem ipsum dolor...[/mme_codeblock]


Start from

Select initial number, that will be shown first.

Final Value

Select final number, that will be shown at the end of count.


Duration of animation in the seconds.

Thousands Separator (optional)

It can be comma, point, space, or any other symbol.

Prefix (optional)

Any text or sign that will be before number. Example: $.

Suffix (optional)

Any text or sign that will be after number. Example: mph.

Font Size

Size of the font.

Font Family

You can add more fonts using the "Set Of Installed Google Fonts" option on the configuration page of the plugin.

Font Color (optional)

Select color of the font for this element.

Link to (optional)

You can use this element as a link to some page.

Content at the end of count (optional)

This content will replace the counter at the end of count. Leave blank in order to not replace counter.


Specifies the horizontal alignment of element and it content.


[mme_counter start="1" stop="2712" duration="3" separator="," prefix="$" suffix="+" size="24" font_family="Inherit" font_color="#000000" link="#" alignment="center" animation="fadeInDown" extra_css_class="extra_css_class"]Content At The End Of Count (Optional)[/mme_counter]



Select the basic style of the element.

Size of the Vertical Space

Select how many space you need between two elements.

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element. You can add more and edit color schemes using "Additional Styles" option on the configuration page of the plugin.


[mme_divider class="style_2" size="24" animation="fadeInUp"] [/mme_divider]



Enter the text of the header.


Select font size of the header.

Font Family

You can add more fonts using the "Plugin Configuration Page".

Link to

You can use this element as a link to some page.


Specifies the horizontal alignment of element and it content.

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element. You can add more and edit color schemes using "Additional Styles" option on the configuration page of the plugin.


[mme_header size="24" font_family="Inherit" alignment="center" animation="fadeInUp"]Lorem ipsum dolor...[/mme_header]

List With Icons


Add your list here. You can separate the list items using new line.

Icon (marker)

You can add more custom raster icons using the "Plugin Configuration Page"

Icon Size

Select the icon size.

Icon Color

Select the icon color.


Specifies the horizontal alignment of element and it content.


[mme_list_with_icons icon="im-icon-checkmark" icon_size="12" icon_color="#3079ed" animation="fadeInUp"]Lorem ipsum dolor...[/mme_list_with_icons]

Pricing Table

Header (optional)

Name of this commercial offer.

Price (optional)

Price of this commercial offer. Example: $9.99.

Period (optional)

Additional text below the price. Example: Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Hourly.

Image (optional)

You can add the image of good or service.

List of Advantages (optional)

List of advantage of this commercial offer. Separate each list item by new line or vertical bar (|). Put a plus symbol (+) at the beginning of the line and plus will be replaced by a checkmark (✓) which means that the advantage is included in this offer. Put a minus symbol (-) at the beginning of the line and minus will be replaced by a cross (✕) which means that the advantage is excluded from this offer.

Text of Button (optional)

Enter the text of button. Leave blank to hide.

Link to (optional)

If no text buttons, but there is a link address then the entire table will be the link.

Recommended Deal

Highlight this table.


Select the basic style of the element.


Specifies the horizontal alignment of element and it content.

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element. You can add more and edit color schemes using "Additional Styles" option on the configuration page of the plugin.


[mme_pricing_table heading="Professional" price="$19.99" period="per month" image="/wp-content/uploads/megamain-logo-120x120.png" button_text="Sign Up Now" link="#link" recommended="disable" class="1" alignment="center" color_scheme="default" infinite="infinite" extra_css_class="extra_css_class"]+10 Projects +100GB Storage +Unlimited Users +24/7 Support -Registration -Hidden Payments[/mme_pricing_table]


Summary Text (optional)

Text that will be displayed as summary. Other shortcodes allowed.


Specifies the alignment of element. Position of Summary element.


Select the basic style of the element.

Color Scheme

Select color scheme of this element. You can add more and edit color schemes using "Additional Styles" option on the configuration page of the plugin.


This is "Container Shortcode" which means that you can place other shortcodes inside this one as its content.


[mme_summary text="Summary Text" direction="right" class="1" color_scheme="default" animation="fadeInDown" infinite="infinite" extra_css_class="extra_css_class"]+10 Projects, +100GB Storage, +Unlimited Users, +24/7 Support[/mme_summary]

Follow the next steps to update (reinstall) plugin, all these steps are important for the correct working of the plugin:

  1. Deactivate and remove the old version (all settings will be saved);
  2. Install the new version;
  3. Go to the "Plugin Configuration" page and save settings again (*important);
  4. Clear cache of the your browser;
  5. All done.

If you need support, if you have a question or suggestion - leave a message on our support page